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It Alert Campi Flegrei

It Alert Campi Flegrei

What is it?

The Campi Flegrei caldera is a large volcanic caldera in southern Italy. It is one of the most active volcanic areas in Europe, and has been the site of several major eruptions in the past. The most recent eruption was in 1538, and it created the Monte Nuovo volcano. The caldera is home to a number of active volcanoes, including Solfatara, Pozzuoli, and Campi Flegrei. Campi Flegrei is a popular tourist destination, and it is home to a number of ancient ruins, including the Roman city of Pompeii.

Risks and Management

It is considered to be one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world due to its proximity to a densely populated area. An eruption could potentially cause widespread damage and loss of life. Consequently, it is closely monitored by scientists. A number of measures have been put in place to reduce the risk of an eruption, including the establishment of a volcanic early warning system and the evacuation of people from high-risk areas.

Current Status

The volcanic activity at Campi Flegrei is currently at a low level. However, the caldera is still considered to be a high-risk area, and it is possible that an eruption could occur at any time. Scientists are continuing to monitor the activity at Campi Flegrei, and they are working to develop better ways to predict and mitigate the risks associated with an eruption.

What to do in an Emergency

If an eruption does occur, it is important to follow the instructions of local authorities. These instructions may include evacuating the area, staying indoors, and covering your mouth and nose with a mask or cloth. It is also important to listen to the radio or television for updates on the situation.


Campi Flegrei is a fascinating and beautiful place, but it is also a dangerous one. It is important to be aware of the risks associated with living near an active volcano, and to take steps to prepare for an eruption. With proper planning and preparation, it is possible to mitigate the risks and enjoy the beauty of Campi Flegrei.

It Alert Campi Flegrei
